Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Blog Post Prompt #1

Describe what is efficient and user-friendly about using the Old Bailey database and what its limitations are. If you were part of the Old Bailey database team, how would you address these limitations? What innovations would you add to this site?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi everyone. Hope this will be fun.

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  4. In regard to the Old Bailey Online website I conclude that the website is very efficient, and for someone like myself who is not in database administration or web design it is very difficult to see whether there are any limitations to the project. In my opinion it is easy to navigate on the site, and it was most certainly designed with user-friendliness in mind. At this point I have no complaints about the website, and the project should be interesting. - Jozef Loderer

  5. Seems pretty efficient so far. Haven't really had a chance to play with it. It's kind of hard to answer the last two questions only because this is my first time checking it out. If I was more familiar with the database I would be able to notice specific limitations, however, I am unable to at this point.

  6. I think the Old Bailey database is user friendly. The six main tabs at the top of the page make it easy to navigate different areas of the website and they provide information about what sort of information the database provides and how it may be used to find specific information. I like the search feature the best because it provides so many filters to narrow down a search. I am particularly impressed with the way they break down the offenses. This makes it easier for searches to narrow in on a topic or case that interests them. But, the other filters are also very helpful such as the year the crimes were committed, what the offenses and verdicts are. I wouldn't change anything about the website.

  7. This is An-Tuan Williams. I found the Old Bailey website to be user-friendly and eye-catching. The layout allows for functionality that makes it easy to search for specific cases and other documents related to a particular cases. One thing i did notice is that the search mechanism is really slow. Perhaps its because the site house many documents. However, if i was on the tech team, i would consider finding a solution to make searches a little faster. In addition, i would figure out a way to make searches more efficient. For example, i type in George Gadesby in the key word box, just to test out the search, and the site pulled up lots of irrelevant information. In fact, the first page of the search did not yield what i was looking for at all. it just pulled up everything with the name George in it. However, i typed in two names which i thought would narrow my search and it did not. It just creates a lot of hassle if i need the doc immediately. In terms of innovations, it is difficult for me to conceive as i am not a tech person at all. Also, i think the ad space on the right side of the screen cheapens the site and is tacky.

  8. The Old Bailey site is quite interesting. It is different. It’s very user friendly. Like many websites with a search option, you can search by keyword or reference number. The about section is very well organized into subsection. It was actually nice to also see a glossary section. There is even a research and study guide section. I don’t see any limitation but I would have added a section for other languages.

  9. Old Bailey is a very good website. They are every well-organized. I took a case just to test it out and searched for it. As a result, I got so many articles about that particular case. So I believe we will find enough information about our case in that website. At this moment I don’t know if they should improve anything or not but once we start doing our project we will discover more about the website.

  10. The database is unique in that there is another form of searching for information. I also enjoy the ability of finding a proceeding from eons ago without having to look all over the world. I haven't had the opportunity to further explore this database but I would like entertain the idea of having a database such as this for NY.
    Sidebar:BTW, I had trouble trying to first get into this site and then commenting EARLY this morning.

  11. The Old Bailey website is user friendly and has a great selection of references which are very helpful. The search caption makes it easy to go directly to the source. I am enjoying the old historical facts linked with scanned documentation and pictures enabling us to get visual. At this time, it is too early to comment on how the website may be improved. Once I get used to the website I will comment, if necessary. Monica Prado

  12. The Old Bailey website is very user friendly. I found the getting started link to be most helpful in navigating the site. Also helpful the historical background tab to help search trials. The only limitation I can see is not having more variety in other notorious trials throughout the world. I haven't been able to ascertain what improvements or innovations would be beneficial to the site at this time.

  13. After briefly browsing and scrolling through the Old Bailey database I found the site to be quite helpful if searching for old criminal cases in London Criminal Court. What I found to be effective and user friendly was the section to search for a particular case and the Getting started and Guide to searching videos and tutorials for new users, which I think would be extremely helpful if new users were to get confused as how to use the site. As far as limitations, I couldn't really think of any besides the database only having criminal cases from 1674-1913. If I were apart of the Old Bailey database team I would try to include a variety of cases that date a little further back than 1674 and cases after 1913, in order to help users to be successful in finding their search. When it comes to making innovations to the site , I cannot think of anything in particular that I would like to add.

  14. It was informative.elinor pantaleon

  15. It was informative.elinor pantaleon

  16. The site was really useful and informative as it provides a detail and extensive version of the case considering the time of the case taking place in the mid- 19th century. It was clear in writing as the other unofficially document provided for my case was writing in old language making it difficult for me to comprehend the case.

  17. I found the Old Bailey Data base very easy and helpful to use. It has an easy search tab and a pretty simple layout. I think the best part about it is that we can easily find articles on particular case.

  18. I found the Old Bailey Data base very easy and helpful to use. It has an easy search tab and a pretty simple layout. I think the best part about it is that we can easily find articles on particular case.
